The Origin of Darts

The sport of darts has a long history. It originated in England in the fifteenth century. According to records, the soldiers of the ancient Roman legions were sent by the Roman emperor to the remote British islands. The rainy weather in Britain made it difficult for them to spend a long time outdoors. As a result, they threw their arrows at a target made of cross-sections of oak trees in the slab, which gradually developed into a modern dart sport.

In other words, the sport of darts evolved from a 10-inch-long throwing weapon used by British archers in close combat.

The third argument is related to specific historical figures. King Henry VII of England was weak. Considering that hunting was dangerous and difficult, he decided not to hunt anymore. He made a short-handled dart gun and threw it at the cross-section of the oak tree to achieve the purpose of fitness. Soon, the palace ministers also liked it. After this movement, it gradually spread to the people. Modern darts appeared at the end of the nineteenth century, and the British Belion Ganlin is believed to have invented the current dart scoring system. In 1902, British player John Reid set a record of 180 points in a single round for the first time.

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